The severe BPD focus group includes neonatologists, pulmonologists, multi-disciplinary professionals and parents who are interested in improving the short- and long-term outcomes for infants with severe BPD in level IV regional neonatal intensive care units and their children’s hospitals.
Mission & Goals
The mission of the severe BPD focus group is:
- To improve identification and screening for morbidities in infants with severe BPD
- To improve quality of care and outcomes for infants with severe BPD
- To collaborate with individuals and groups with an interest in severe BPD
- To enhance education for parents of infants with severe BPD
- To provide educational opportunities for junior faculty and fellows who are interested in infants with severe BPD
- 2012: Friends of Prentice Research Grant: Prediction of Death or Tracheostomy in patients with severe BPD: Dr. Karna Murthy, Ann and Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital, Chicago
- 2014: Friends of Prentice Research Grant: Differentiating high-performing centers for infants suffering from severe BPD: Dr. Karna Murthy, Ann and Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital, Chicago
- 2018: Home oxygen therapy for infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia: balancing infant, parent and health system outcomes, NIH K23HL136525. Joanne Lagatta, MD MS, Medical College of Wisconsin.
- 2019 Children’s Hospital Orange County, Internal Research Award, “Chronic Respiratory Failure in Late-preterm and Term Infants.” PI: Michel Mikhael, MD